The Thyroid- Menstrual Cycle Connection

The endocrine system (our hormonal system) works like a symphony. With the conductor being the brain, which directs the instruments, or endocrine glands to produce their hormones. If one of those instruments is off key, then the sound of the entire symphony is off. Just like when one hormones is offkey, it can and will affect the whole “sound”.

Each and every cell in the body requires thyroid hormone to function, so it’s no surprise that thyroid function is extremely important for healthy ovulation.

Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) can interfere with period health in a few ways:

1.       Affects energy production in the ovaries which can impair ovulation (sometimes completely). It takes a LOT of energy to mature a follicle for 100 days, then grow into a healthy corpus luteum in a day to produce progesterone!

2.       Impairs the metabolism of oestrogen.

3.       Stimulates prolactin production which supresses ovulation.

4.       Impairs insulin sensitivity.

5.       Can decrease coagulation factors in the blood, leading to heavier bleeds.

What can an underactive thyroid do to the period?

-          Irregular periods

-          Shorter cycles

-          Heavier periods

-          Infertility (and recurrent miscarriage)

-          Heightened PMS symptoms such as fluid retention; brain fog; low mood and fatigue

If you have diagnosed Hypothyroidism and are having period problems, I suggest you start with thyroid health when addressing these issues. On the other hand, thyroid health is something I screen in my patients with the above issues.

When I say screen, I don’t just mean TSH either 😉

Want to dive deeper and learn what to test, and how to treat the issue? Then Well Balanced Woman is for YOU!

Jody Walker