Schedule a consultation with Jody

There are only 2 ways to work with Jody as a new patient in 2024.

  1. Well Balanced Woman Online Program participant. WBW is a group program led by Jody for women seeking assistance will hormone balance and general health with specific programs for women across all age groups. With live courses twice per year, or you can sign up at anytime. As soon as you have completed the course you can book in as a new patient. For more info on Well Balanced Woman CLICK HERE

  2. As of 16/04/24 these spots have been filled for 2024 but feel free to join the waitlist. 12 Week Health Hyperfocus Program. There will be 5-10 spots released in 2024, with the first 5 going live January 8th 2024 (and a second release around March/April). The total cost of the program is $600, for more information and to join the waitlist CLICK HERE 

If you need any more information on my services, please feel free to email me at